The RTC-NCR has arranged a meeting with the Regional Director of NCR last June 23, 2023 held in the TESDA Regional Office-NCR Conference Room. This aims to seek guidance in creating and registering the program of Mechaniweb Inc. as a follow-up to its proposal on including their trainings in TESDA social media platforms.
Mechaniweb Inc. is a company that provides training through social media. They provide online training in Digital Creativity Technology. The applications include 3D, 2D rendering, animation, and other digital creativity technologies
In the past, Mechaniweb Inc. was one of the software providers to RTC-NCR, on top of that they will continue to provide services and assist in developing experts for the software.Engr Jovencio Ferrer,Regional Director-NCR, welcomes the idea and looks forward to a successful partnership. We are looking forward to developing a partnership that will utilize Micro credentialing to upskilling workers and to provide training programs for higher level qualifications like Game Development, Animation, and BIM.