Regional Training Center – National Capital Region



Breaking New Grounds: RTC-NCR Introduces Adobe Professional in Visual Design Course

In a pioneering move, the Regional Training Center – NCR thru the guidance of its Center Administrator, Gilbert Castro, embarked on a groundbreaking initiative by launching its pilot batch in Adobe Professional in Visual Design. This 40-hour training program, conducted face-to-face at the RTC-NCR Visual Design Facility, marks a significant milestone in the Center’s commitment to providing cutting-edge education and training opportunities to aspiring professionals in the Creative Sector.

Commencing on January 29, 2024, and spanning until February 09, 2024, the course has attracted the Center’s graduates of the Visual Graphic Design NC III program, along with other individuals with backgrounds in Adobe or experience in the Creative Sector. Together, they delve into core competencies such as working in the design industry, establishing project setups, optimizing interfaces, organizing documents, creating and modifying visual elements, and publishing digital media.

Mr. Demetrio C. Pable Jr., a highly decorated expert and trainer in Visual Graphic Design NC III ensures that participants receive top-notch instruction and guidance throughout the program.

Beyond skill development, the course also serves as a stepping stone for participants to pursue certifications in Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign. These certifications, offered for free as part of the training program, enable individuals to attain a Visual Design specialty credential, further enhancing their employability and career prospects in the competitive creative industry.

Moving forward, the positive response to the pilot batch of Adobe Professional in Visual Design course highlights the growing demand for such training among aspiring professionals. As a result, RTC-NCR is ready to continue offering similar programs to meet the increasing interest in Adobe certification.

Trainer Demetrio Pable Jr., in action during the hands-on training of Adobe Professional for Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign

In essence, the launch of the Adobe Professional in Visual Design course represents a new chapter for RTC-NCR, emphasizing its commitment to empowering individuals and driving progress in the creative industry by providing essential skills and certifications for success in visual design.

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